Women's Ministry

The Women’s Ministry of Hull Baptist Church exists to help share the love of Christ to women of all ages and to assist them in  growing in relationship with Christ. While our mission is to support the mission of our church by supporting women of all walks of life to stronger and lasting relationship with Jesus Christ.

It is also our desire to be a springboard for missions by supporting the North American Mission Board through the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and the International Mission Board through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.


We offer Bible studies throughout the year on Wednesday mornings from 9:30 am-11:30 am in our Family Life Center. We invite all ladies to join us and bring a friend. For upcoming studies, fellowship opportunities, and other events, please visit our church calendar.

Please register by calling the church office at 706-548-1196 or emailing secretary@hullbaptist.org.

*There may be a fee for workbooks-TBD

The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi: My Journey Into the Heart of Scriptural Faith and the Land Where It All Began

Ladies Study Wednesdays

9:30 am—11:30 am

6 Sessions

Begins Wed. Sept. 4

  See Jesus’ earthly homeland with new eyes!

Books $10.

Call the office to sign up.