Children’s Ministry

Our Children’s Ministry seeks to REACH unbelieving children and help believing children to GROW in their faith and BUILD friendships with other Christians while learning to LIVE for God and HELP others. 

Weekly Events:

  • AWANA clubs meet every Wednesday night during the school year from 6:30 – 8:00 pm and consists of game time, large group time, and handbook time!
  • Children’s Sunday School at 9:45  am on Sunday mornings ~  upstairs
  • Children’s Church meets upstairs every Sunday morning after being dismissed from the morning worship service.

Annual Events:

  • AWANA Grand Prix
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Children’s Summer Camp
  • Back to School Bash
  • Family Fun Days/Fall Festival

Upcoming Events:

Children's Sunday School Class

Children's Sunday School is for Grades 1-5 where children learn about the disciples of Christ, the heros of the faith. We enjoy crafts, sing songs, learn Bible verses and the names of the books of the Bible.