Adult Sunday School Classes

Sunday School Staff
These gentlemen keep Sunday School running smoothly!

Spares and Pairs
This group meets in the Prayer Room/Conference Room in the Family Life building. Participants range from teens - mid-eighties, including singles as well as married couples. This is a highly participative class that has a lot of fun while growing in God's word.

Logan Class
This is an all-men's class made up of senior adults discussing God's Word and encouraging each other in the Christian faith. They meet in the main building.

Ruth Class
This diverse group of ladies desire to know God's word and meet in the main hall of the main building between the bulletin board and restroom. Women of all ages are welcome. This group loves one another, prays for one another, and helps in times of need. They share prayer concerns and celebrate holidays and birthdays together. The class involves group discussions where anyone can have part in the class.

Buddy Christian Friendship Class
This group consists of men and women who are mid-thirties - mid-seventies and meets upstairs in the main building near the railroad end of the hall. There is a combination of teaching styles.

Job Class
Job class creates an enjoyable climate without a set age group. This interchange of knowledge ensures the gospel is taught through Bible-led conversations. This group meets in the older home (the Wilson House) across from the church beginning at 9:45 am.